Friday, January 28, 2005

First Post

I'm not sure that I have enough interesting thoughts for a blog. However, I thought I would give it a try.

Since I'm just starting and at a current loss for ideas, I'm stealing the following from my best friend in the whole world Wendy and her blog
( ).

A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie
2. a book
3. a musical artist, song, or album
4. a song to download

(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less (and questions about fowl and fruit are allowed). Ask me anything you want.

(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing (like they need your permission) your friends to ask you anything.


At 1/28/2005 04:00:00 PM, Blogger Priestess Of Nothing said...

1) Orgazmo - Mormon missionary accidentally becomes a porn star. Live action from the boys who gave the world South Park. And Trey is freakin hot in black vinyl. Seriously.

2) I don't think there's anything I've read that you haven't, actually. Though, if you haven't read "Sock" by Penn Jillette, I still think you should.

3) Cradle of Filth. I don't know why I am so enamored with this band. I think I really like the combination of the operatic female voice and the heavy metal screaming of the male voice. (shrug) I like it!

4) Um, since you have all my CDs I guess none of those. How about "If you Love Me Kill Your Dog" by the Captain Howdy (Penn Jillete's band). Good luck finding it, but I think it's the most truthful love song ever written.

Three Questions (stolen from "Sock" because I don't think you've read it and won't know. OH! Doh!):
1) What is your greatest fear?
2) What trait do you most deplore in others?
3) What trait do you most deplore in yourself?

Since you swiped this from MY journal, I'm not posting it there again. So there. :P

Love you! - Wendy

At 1/31/2005 11:33:00 AM, Blogger LadyDragonfly said...

Ok, replying to comments so far.

First off: Hi Wendy, :-)

Wendy's Questions:

1) What is your greatest fear?
a) Probably dying in some horrible painful manner. That's somewhat of a cop-out...but it is true.
2) What trait do you most deplore in others?
a) Dishonesty, and I don't mean the occasional white lie or whatever, I mean truly making stuff up just so you can appear interesting.
3) What trait do you most deplore in yourself?
a) Hmm...beyond that I'm completely neurotic. Dunno...actually that's probably it.

To Jaash:

Hi Jaash, welcome to my blog. :-)

I will look at the music you recommended, and can tell you the "country" doesn't scare me. I pretty much listen to anything, and will admit to having a great deal of Country CDs.

Jaash's questions:

1) What is the flying velocity of a sparrow
a) African or European
2) If you had to choose between dying of starvation or winning the lotto, what would you do??
a) Probably the Lotto, but I'm selfish like that. I would donate some of the money to charity though.
3) The Beatles or Rolling Stones?
a) Beatles for sure. Though I do like the Stones.

At 1/31/2005 07:09:00 PM, Blogger girlzoot said...

1 Movie: 8 Women because the color is lovely and all through it I kept thinking the girl in green reminded me of you actually.
2 Book: Auntie Mame well because it is Auntie Mame for fuck's sake and she just makes you want to throw delightful cocktail parties.
3 Album: American Gypsy by Tony Furtado because I find myself listening to it often and enjoying it more each time I hear it.
4 A Song to Download: Rio by Michael Nesmith because the song is a delightful wander

1. Do you think all people should get married at least once?

2. If you could go to any country once, where would it be, and for how long?

3. What color is your hair currently?

Since you found this at Wendy's site and she found this at my site and I found this at Blurred's site who found this at Pico's site I think I won't repost it, but I will go and answer the questions you put to me.

Lovely to see you online, as always, and looking forward to reading your blog as time progresses.

At 2/01/2005 11:09:00 PM, Blogger LadyDragonfly said...

Heya Girlzoot! Glad to see you!

1. Do you think all people should get married at least once?
I don't know if I think you should necessarily get married, but I think having a commitment of some sort where you rely on a person and they rely on you, for financial and other reasons is a learning experience.

2. If you could go to any country once, where would it be, and for how long?
I've always wanted to go to Scotland. If I could stay for an extended period I think that would be really cool. I guess that's a product of too much historical romance.

3. What color is your hair currently?
Actually, right now it's all natural, which surprisingly is a dark dark brown almost black. I've gotten alot of "wow, I didn't remember your hair being that dark" from bunches of people including my Mom. However, it is natural.


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