Monday, November 27, 2006

Snow of Sorts

It's been cold cold cold here the last few days. They'd been calling for snow down to 500 feet (yes I know that's underground in Colorado). The people out here are funny when they start talking about winter weather. The break into every show on the television to give updates. They don't have a lot of snow removal equipment and don't do much as far as sanding/salting etc. I took this picture this afternoon to show what we got. It didn't manage to stick around for very long, but it's supposed to try again tonight. I guess we'll see what happens. The city will likely shut down if we do get anything. Rick will get to stay home, but I'll have to keep working.


At 11/28/2006 03:12:00 PM, Blogger LadyDragonfly said...

I wondered about you Avo, I had heard it was worse up in Seattle than it has been down here. Today ended up (so far) to be not too bad. I made it in and out of Portland with out incident, but it's starting to get colder and has picked up again. I'll take more pictures if we end up with anything. I hope your car was ok.


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