Friday, May 19, 2006

Handmaidens and Perpetual Pre-Pregnancy

So, PoN and I were talking about a Washington Post article that Mac had recently posted about on her blog. The basis of the article is new
CDC guidelines ask all females capable of conceiving a baby to treat themselves -- and to be treated by the health care system -- as pre-pregnant, regardless of whether they plan to get pregnant anytime soon.

I don't know about you, but I don't want anyone to EVER say I'm "pre-pregnant". Hell, I'm not even sure where I fit into the picture since I now can't have children. Maybe I should run out and start smoking and drinking since my health isn't as important to the CDC since I'm not a potential breeder anymore.
I guess the CDC is just preparing us for the time when birth control and abortion are illegal. The advice they give is good advice, woman and men should take better care of themselves, but the point of the directives to help with high infant mortality are not going to be changed by making all breeding age woman "pre-pregnant" we need to crack down on poverty and increase access to healthcare. Good luck with that...
Mac also wrote a nice letter to the CDC and her congress critters.


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