Wednesday, February 16, 2005

What Color is Your Passion

Your Passion is Purple

Sophisticated and classy, you're a bit picky about sex.
You're more likely to be turned on by a fancy hotel room than a dirty flick.
Sex is fine enough, as long as it doesn't mess up your hair.
For you, sex is more about power and favors than actually pleasure.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Spiffy Links

Many thanks to Doug for helping me get the links working on the page.

Will probably post later to explain them.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Links Question

If anyone knows how to get links to show up on this silly blog please let me know.
I followed the instructions to modify the template in the Blogger Help but no dice.


Musical Tag

I've seen this floating around, and thought it was fun. You're supposed to post it to your blog, but that of course is optional.

1) Total amount of music files on your computer:

Itunes has 2580 songs for 9.81 GB
According to Windows Properties, /music is made up of 7 folders and 252 files for a total of 68.5 MB (these are my old MP3s)

2. The last CD you bought was:
Recovering the Satellites by Counting Crows

3. What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?
It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing - Shania Twain

4. Write down 5 songs you often listen to and/or that mean a lot to you:

1. Round Here - Counting Crows
2. Promise - Ryan Tracy Band
3. Criminal - Fiona Apple
4. Found Out About You - Gin Blossoms
5. Smoke - On Second Thought

5. What 3 people are you going to pass this baton to and why?

Wendy - Because I'm Curious
Jaash - Because I would like to get to know him better
Girlzoot - Because I want to see where her preferences have gotten to in 10+ Years

10 random songs from your MP3 Player/Winamp/Yahoo Launch

1. Foggy River - Stan Ridgway (4:32)
2. What Would It Take - Lonestar (3:12)
3. Jet - Paul McCartney (4:09)
4. A Lonely Voice - October Project
5. I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying - Toby Keith (4:01)
6. Along Comes A Woman - Chicago (3:48)
7. Dirty White Boy - Foreigner (3:39)
8. Play The Game Tonight - Kansas (3:27)
9. Turn Around - They Might Be Giants (2:53)
10. Out of My Head - Puddle of Mudd (3:43)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Great Sadness and Hope for Happiness

Many moons ago, my bestest friend in the whole world started playing the Celtic (lever) harp. She'd really liked it, and was getting quite good. She offered to rent me a little harp to see if I'd like it too. Well, I loved it, but was very frustrated by the limitation of the small harp. So, me being me I went out and bought myself a BIG (WAY WAY TOO BIG) harp. I have to admit it was love at first sight. I loved him, the way he sounded, the way he looked, and I had to have him. Now, if I had a lick of common sense I would have realized that this harp was WAY out of my league, but he kept calling my name. Needless to say, I agreed to sell my soul for the rest of my life and make payments of $69.30 for the rest of my natural life. I brought him home, ignored my husband's reaction and started taking lessons.
Well, several things happened in the course of events, the biggest thing was my dear and beloved harp teacher DonnaBeth became gravely ill and stopped teaching. I bounced around trying to find another teacher, but I couldn't find a fit. Wendy offered to try to teach me, but that didn't work out well either, for many reasons, none which had to do with her skill as a teacher. Faced with a lack of a teacher for motivation, and other things, I rarely practiced, and rarely did more than give him a half-assed amount of attention. This made me sad, but not enough apparently to get my act together. At one point, Wendy decided that she was going to put her big harp up for sale, and she decided she would take Gideon (that was his name or so he told me) and take over the payments. I was very happy because I knew she would love him and play him, and make him sound the way he really needed to sound.
Things have changed in the land of Wendy too and she is going to be concentrating solely on her cross-strung harp. I think this is a great thing, but it means that she doesn't need Gideon anymore. Unfortunately, I don't need him anymore either, and while he looks fabulous in my living room, it's rather silly for me to spend $69.30 a month on something that I'm not going to use. So, with a bit of sadness and a great deal of hope I'm putting him up for sale. If you have any interest at all in a great harp, you can find him here Gideon. I hope beyond hope that he finds someone to love him and play him and make him sound like he was made to sound. Unfortunately, that person just isn't me. I guess I should have known that in the beginning. I'm only human after all... So, wish me luck. I've posted his sale up on some harp lists on yahoo groups and will be taking him to Kolacny's on Saturday. I hope beyond hope I can find him a good home. I'll miss him, but I'd be happy to know that someone loves him like I couldn't.