Friday, January 13, 2006

5 Things Meme from all over

You post a topic, list, category, whatever, in my comments section. ("5 reasons why Shakira is hotter and more talented than Britney"). Then, in a separate post, I'll post the answers to all your Top 5 ideas, according to me. Then you post this offer in your own journal.

Stolen gleefuly from ShadowOwl

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What Is Your Animal Personality?

What Is Your Animal Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Book #1 - City of Suspects

Technically, this is book 3 but I'll do them out of order.

The first thing I have to say is this book has two of the best final sentences of any I've read. It's a really good read, not overly long, a mere 224 pages.

I stumbled on it by accident while looking for another book set in Portland, Oregon.

This book is a story about a female P.I. Named Jane Lanier who on a rainy night in Portland goes to her office to meet a client and finds a dead body. She makes it her mission to find out just why this man who she didn't know was killed in her office and why he wanted to meet with her.
The story is filled with references about Portland and little neighborhoods that I've been in, and a great deal of it is set in the Old Town/Chinatown area where I work.

It's the first book by the author Katy King, but it definitely left me hungry for more.

I'd give it 4 of 5 stars, and I'm planning on adding it to my collection so I can read it again at whim.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Hey, this sounds like a good idea

Since I spend a good chunk of my life on public transit now, I think I'll have to steal this from Girlzoot and do a 50 Book Challenge. I'm already half way through book 3 and it's only the 2nd. :-) I guess spending 12 hours in front of a computer waiting for End of Month/End of Year reports to process will add to a girl's thirst for knowledge. Of course, Books one and two were both Harry Potter novels and I've read them before, but I'm making the rules here. I'll try to post at least some bits of book reviews if not the titles.
Now I just have to figure out how to add some sort of trackage to this page.

Four Things Meme

Four jobs you’ve had in your life: Waitress, Receptionist, Mutual Teller, Report Writer

Four movies you could watch over and over: Princess Bride, Aliens, Lady Hawke, The Mummy

Four places you’ve lived: Denver, Colorado; Wiggins, Colorado; Greeley, Colorado; Vancouver, Washington

Four TV shows you love to watch: CSI, How I Met Your Mother, Survivor, Law & Order SVU, Deadwood

Four places you’ve been on vacation: Carlsbad, NM; Las Vegas, NV; San Diego, CA; Deadwood, SD

Four websites you visit daily: ***Dave Does the Blog; CNN; ESPN; eBay;

Four of your favorite foods: Sushi; Curry; Hummus; Tempura

Four places you’d rather be: Home; Las Vegas; Denver; Japanese Gardens in Portland, OR

Four albums you can’t live without: Ryan Tracy Band, Rain Won't Stop; October Project, October Project; Casey Stratton, Standing at the Edge; Vas, In the Garden of Souls

Four magazines you read: Cooking Light, Cuisine at Home, Cook's Illustrated, Penzey's One

Four cars you’ve owned: '81 Izuzu Imark, '84 Chevy Camaro, '93 Dodge Avenger, '03 Jeep Liberty

Four colors you like (not necessarily together): Emerald Green, Brick Red, Teal, Purple

And to add one of my own …

Four Books you'd recommend to someone else: Katy King, City of Suspects, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (or any of the others); Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel's Dart; Christopher Paolini, Eragon

Tagging Four People for this:

Girlzoot, PriestessOfNothing, ShadowOwl and Doug