Four jobs you’ve had in your life: Waitress, Receptionist, Mutual Teller, Report Writer
Four movies you could watch over and over: Princess Bride, Aliens, Lady Hawke, The Mummy
Four places you’ve lived: Denver, Colorado; Wiggins, Colorado; Greeley, Colorado; Vancouver, Washington
Four TV shows you love to watch: CSI, How I Met Your Mother, Survivor, Law & Order SVU, Deadwood
Four places you’ve been on vacation: Carlsbad, NM; Las Vegas, NV; San Diego, CA; Deadwood, SD
Four websites you visit daily: ***Dave Does the Blog; CNN; ESPN; eBay;
Four of your favorite foods: Sushi; Curry; Hummus; Tempura
Four places you’d rather be: Home; Las Vegas; Denver; Japanese Gardens in Portland, OR
Four albums you can’t live without: Ryan Tracy Band, Rain Won't Stop; October Project, October Project; Casey Stratton, Standing at the Edge; Vas, In the Garden of Souls
Four magazines you read: Cooking Light, Cuisine at Home, Cook's Illustrated, Penzey's One
Four cars you’ve owned: '81 Izuzu Imark, '84 Chevy Camaro, '93 Dodge Avenger, '03 Jeep Liberty
Four colors you like (not necessarily together): Emerald Green, Brick Red, Teal, Purple
And to add one of my own …
Four Books you'd recommend to someone else: Katy King, City of Suspects, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (or any of the others); Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel's Dart; Christopher Paolini, Eragon
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