I was browsing a
***Dave's blog and read a comment from
Domestic Geek who I don't know, but who apparently reads a bunch of the same blogs I do.
Anyway, she is doing a meme that she's seen a bunch of other places, but is new to me.
I decided I would follow along because it seems interesting.
The object of the meme is to post 100 facts about yourself in 100 days. I'm not sure that I can even come up with 100 things that are interesting enough to post about and
I don't know if I'll be able to post something every day, but I'll try.
Fact #1
My dream job would be to be able to open my own restaurant.
I was telling this to Rick the other night. I really want to open a Indian/Mexican fry bread restaurant. Apparently, fry bread that's not East Indian (ie Naan) is totally unknown here. To me, being from Colorado when I say sopapilla I mean a puffy, yeasty sort of bread product that you either eat with honey or stuff with meat and cheese. Here, if you get sopapilla at a Mexican restaurant you basically get a deep fried tortilla rolled in sugar and cinnamon and topped with either whipped cream, pie filling or both. Not a bad thing, but not what I want. The concept of a savory sopapilla is completely foreign. Apparently, the problem with the Mexican restaurants up here was explained to me that I'm used to a Tex-Mex or Indian-Mex style and the food up here is Cal-Mex.